Publications - Literary Projects
- "The Box" (line 23). In "The Epic Presidential Poem: The Trump Years" (, February 11, 2017.
- “A Gardener’s Prayer.” In Garden Blessings: Poems, Prayers, and Prose to Celebrate the Love of Gardening, edited by June Cotner. Berkeley, CA: Viva Editions, 2014, 190.
- “Amazon Girls.” Fickle Muses, December 29, 2013.
- “And I Am Born to the Sunlit World Again.” Fickle Muses, December 29, 2013.
- “Daphne Unbound.” Fickle Muses, December 29, 2013.
- "Sudden Storm." Referential Magazine (, Winter 2013.
- "The Furies." Referential Magazine (, Winter 2013.
- "Tithonus Cries Enough." Referential Magazine (, Winter 2013.
- “Tin Can Talking.” The Whistling Fire (no longer operating), July 18, 2013.
- “And I Am Born to the Sunlit World Again.” Glass: A Journal of Poetry (, Vol. 6, Issue 1, June 2013. ISSN 1941-4137.
- “Recycling.” In Moments of the Soul, edited by Diana Christine. Langley Park, MD: Spirit First, 2010.
- “On the Beach.” OneFortyFiction (, July 2010.
- “Migration.” The Artella Daily Muse (, June 2007.
- “Butterfly House.” In Illuminations: Expressions of the Personal Spiritual Experience, edited by Mark L. Tompkins and Jennifer McMahon, 94. New York, N.Y.: Celestial Arts, October 2006.
- “Freeze.” In Stories from Where We Live: The South Atlantic Coast and Piedmont, edited by Sara St. Antoine, 127-128. Cambridge, Mass.: Milkweed Editions, July 2006.
- “Daphne Unbound.” Kaleidowhirl, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Spring 2006.
- “The Magician’s Daughter.” (prose poem). Triplopia, Vol. IV, Issue 2, Spring 2005.
- “Visionary at the Reading.” JAW Magazine, Spring 2005, 5.
- “Marks of a True Home” and “More Than Bricks and Wood.” In House Blessings, edited by June Cotner, 10, 131. Paulsbo, Wash.: Cotner Ink, June 2004.
- “Woman Underwater.” Ruminate Magazine, Issue 21, Autumn 2011, 21-25.
- “Things Not to Do.” In Dan River Anthology 2004, edited by Robert W. Olmsted, 116-119. Thomaston, Maine, December 2003.
- “Cranberry Love.” Jerseyworks: Arts and Ideas Online (, March, 2003.
- “Hecuba’s Dream.” The Copperfield Review (, Winter 2003.
- “Of Clams and Men.” Jerseyworks: Arts and Ideas Online (, July, 2002.
- “Recurrences in Book-Length Fiction: Connecting the Seemingly Unconnected.” The Writer’s Chronicle, Vol. 41, No. 6, May/Summer 2009.
- “B-mother: A Review.” In The Literary Review, Winter 2008.